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School Trips

At Crossbounder we strive to offer a wide range of domestic and international destinations for our school trips. Our goal is to combine tourist and cultural fun with sports and entertainment activities typical of each season of the year.

On our trips, students have the opportunity to explore new places, learn about different cultures and practice unique sports and leisure activities. All of our trips are designed to ensure safety, fun and learning for students, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Crossbounder School

We travel together

At Crossbounder we organize international and national school trips so that young people can explore the world while they learn.have you ever thought that you could offer as a trip in your school, “The Road to Santiago”? we take care of organizing it all!!!


Professional staff

At Crossbounder we always keep our eyes on families, students and schools.

That is why we provide our staff to accompany and be with you throughout the trip, they will be in charge of making sure that everything goes as planned.


Integral management

We take care of all the management from start to finish, we process all permits, payments and collections, travel insurance and cancellation, one hundred percent insurance.

We help in the economy of students and families so we facilitate the organization of raffles, and sale of products and merchandising, etc … , to finance part of your trip.

Qualified professionals

Travel experts

We work with a team of highly qualified professionals who are in charge of planning and organizing every detail of the trips, from the selection of the destination to the booking of accommodation and transportation. In addition, our team accompanies the students throughout the trip, making sure that everything goes as planned and offering assistance in case of any unforeseen event.