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Crossbounder Aula Matinal

Morning Classroom

We have professional and qualified staff that is responsible for ensuring the welfare and safety of students at all times. In addition, we adapt to the needs of families, offering a flexible schedule so that they can reconcile their work with the education of their children.

In our morning classroom service, students can enjoy a safe and quiet space where they can do their homework, play, read and interact with other children. We also offer a healthy breakfast to start the day with energy.

Crossbounder School

Qualified professionals

We have professional and qualified staff who are responsible for the welfare and safety of students at all times. In addition, we adapt to the needs of families, offering flexible hours so that they can reconcile their work with the education of their children.

In our morning classroom service, students can enjoy a safe and quiet space where they can do their homework, play, read and interact with other children. We also offer a healthy breakfast to start the day with energy.


Permanence Classroom

In terms of permanence, we offer a study and recreation space for those children who need to stay at the center after school. We have qualified staff that helps them with their home work and offers them recreational activities for their free time.

Our permanency classroom service is a perfect solution for families looking for a safe, reliable and quality alternative. At Crossbounder, we work to provide the best possible service and ensure the peace of mind of families and the well-being of students.

Crossbounder Aula Permanencia